Cerebral Palsy
in Branford & Oxford, CT

Children who have cerebral palsy may face unique challenges with movement. This can make it challenging to participate in daily tasks like playing, getting dressed, and even feeding. At More to Say, we are committed to providing the personalized support your child needs to reach their fullest potential. Keep reading to learn more about cerebral palsy and how pediatric therapy can help your child succeed.

What Is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects muscle tone and motor skills. It is caused by damage to the developing brain, specifically the parts of the brain responsible for controlling muscle movement. The damage that causes this condition most commonly happens before or during childbirth, but it can also be caused by trauma to the brain after birth.

Common Characteristics of Cerebral Palsy

Common Characteristics of Cerebral Palsy

There are several known risk factors that can increase a child’s chance of developing cerebral palsy before, during, and after birth. Common risk factors include, but are not limited to: 

What Parts of the Body Does Cerebral Palsy Affect?

The severity of this condition depends on which part(s) of the body it affects, which is generally broken down into five main areas:

How Pediatric Therapy Helps Children with Cerebral Palsy

At More to Say, we believe that children learn best through playing and interacting with their environment. After your child’s comprehensive evaluation, our pediatric therapists will create a therapy plan to address their specific developmental needs for more independence and a better overall quality of life.

Our goal is to support your child’s growth and development through fun, engaging, and evidence-based therapy methods. We use a holistic approach to ensure your child’s treatment aligns with their needs, interests, and family life. Our distinctive therapy approach motivates children and makes them excited to participate in therapy, which is why our families love the More to Say Way!

Schedule an Evaluation Today

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, early intervention from our skilled occupational therapists and speech language pathologists can make a world of difference to their quality of life. Give us a call at (203) 828-6790 to experience pediatric therapy the More to Say Way, and let’s work together to empower your child to live a happy, fulfilling life.
